Infectious Lass, real name Dhura Sehpt of Somahtur. Infectious Lass has the native Somahturian power to transmit to others any disease she chooses, while remaining immune to the effects of the disease herself. Somahturians act as host bodies for thriving colonies of disease, both bacterial and viral, which they have developed a symbiotic relationship with and cannot live without. Their world is a secret and under tight quarantine to all except select Medicus One personnel, who sometimes come to collect or store samples of various diseases deemed too dangerous to be kept on the medical satellite. Drura, one of three experimental subjects taken back to Medicus One, escaped from confinement to join the Legion. Rejected because her power was too dangerous to the others, she joined the Legion of Substitute Heroes to perfect her control. That issue of lack of control led to the formation of the Subs. See Polar Boy's origin for details. Her presence has created a sticky political situation for Medicus One. They can't get Drura back without force --- and overt action might reveal the existence of Somahtur.
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Dave Cockrum Michael Walker Michael Walker