Her real name is Tasmia Mallor and her homeworld is Talok VIII. She has the power to project darkness. Like all Talokians native to Talok VIII, she has dark blue skin and pointed ears. The Talokians of Talok III such asMikaal Tomas have light blue skin. She and her cousin Grev (Shadow Kid) received their powers from their ancestors, whose spirits reside in a cave on Talok VIII (Talokians practice ancestor worship). As her ancestors before her from the past thousand years, Tasmia is the hereditary shadow champion of Talok VIII. Her 20th century ancestors, Lydea Mallor and Lyrissa Mallor, were also shadow champions and members of the interstellar police force L.E.G.I.O.N. Her cousin Grev, who also wielded the shadow power thanks to his bloodline, went on to join the Legion Academy as Shadow Kid, Shadow Lass joined the Legion after her homeworld was invaded by the Fatal Five. She helped the Legion to defeat them. After joining, she became romantically involved with Lar Gand and eventually married him. Their marriage was rocky for many years despite their strong feelings for each other, and Tasmia went into mourning when Gand died. The mourning was temporary, as he returned to her, inhabited briefly by the Time Trapper's essence. Shadow Lass in all her incarnations can cast darkfields preventing all light from reaching an area from outside. These can either be complete, effectively rendering useless all light sources within the area, or hollow to allow the interior to be lit. She can also solidify these fields, to use as a more direct weapon. She is also an expert hand-to-hand combatant, and can see in complete darkness (both her own and otherwise).
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